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Worldwide: World Refugee Day 2007

On World Refugee Day 2007, Amnesty International stands in solidarity with refugees around the world from countries such as Afghanistan, Burundi, Iraq, Burma, Sri Lanka and Sudan who are awaiting a...

UK: Court of Appeal hears key case in the global fight against torture

Today (19 June) the Court of Appeal of England and Wales will start hearing an important test case concerning the appeal of three Algerians against their deportation to Algeria on “national security”...

Gaza and West Bank: Hamas and Fatah must end revenge killings, attacks and abductions

The leadership of both Fatah and Hamas must ensure that the security forces and armed militias under their respective control in the West Bank and Gaza put an end to the cycle of abuses that is...

Northern Ireland: New Northern Ireland asylum guide delivers facts not myths

A new information guide on refugee issues in Northern Ireland, which aims to deliver the facts - not the myths - about asylum, is launched today (Monday 18 June) in Belfast at the start of Refugee...

Gaza: Fears for civilian population as new appeal issued

Amnesty International has issued an urgent appeal on behalf of civilians in Gaza amid continuing Fatah-Hamas violence that has already seen the deaths of scores of unarmed civilian bystanders...

UK: Deputy leader candidates in call for ‘multilateral’ foreign policy

The Labour Party deputy leader candidates have today called for “greater multilateralism” in UK foreign policy at an event hosted by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam and Save The...

Scoltand: Herald Journalist Scoops Scottish Human Rights Award

The Herald’s Lucy Adams today (Wednesday 13 June) scooped a prestigious human rights award for her Herald Magazine feature highlighting how Africa’s first female leader is overseeing reconstruction...

UK: Amnesty International’s reaction to Law Lords’ judgment in the Al-Skeini & Others case

Amnesty International today calls on the UK authorities to act decisively to ensure accountability for actions of UK armed forces and officials in Iraq for alleged violations of human rights and...

Greece: Justice and protection for trafficked Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights and girls

Despite the enormous scale of trafficking of Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights and girls for forced prostitution in Greece, the government has failed to guarantee them...

Vietnam: Internet dissident Nguyen Vu Binh released

Amnesty International today welcomed the news that Internet dissident Nguyen Vu Binh has been released from Ba Sao prison after spending almost five years behind bars. Amnesty International has...