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Amnesty International UK
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Worldwide: Control Arms - Governments must deliver on promise of life-saving Arms Treaty

Oxfam International, Amnesty International, Saferworld and the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) Geneva: As the United Kingdom launches its blueprint for an Arms Treaty (ATT), the...

India/West Bengal: Amnesty calls for inquiry and prosecutions following violence and killings

Amnesty International is deeply concerned at reports of the use of excessive and unnecessary force by police in West Bengal (Eastern India) against farmers protesting against proposed displacement by...

UK: Amnesty International uses provocative new ad to shock governments into action on Darfur

Shock ad campaign uses sexual imagery to call for justice for rape victims Amnesty International has produced a shocking new advertising campaign to draw attention to the horrific human rights...

NI: Amnesty International welcomes appointment of Chair of Bill Of Rights Forum

Calls for further steps by Government to help make Forum effective Amnesty International welcomes the appointment today of leading Australian human rights lawyer, Chris Sidoti (pictured left), as the...

Sri Lanka: Armed groups infiltrating refugee camps as thousands flee their homes

Armed groups, some identified as part of a breakaway group of Tamil Tigers known as the Karuna faction, are infiltrating camps for newly displaced people and abducting residents, according to sources...

Cymru: Digwyddiad newydd ar drywydd yr ymgyrch: Pawb a'i farn - Mardi Gras

Lleoliad: Neuadd Bancio, 113 Stryd Bute, Caerdydd Pryd: 6.00pm, 13 Mawrth 2007 Dydd Mawrth (13 Mawrth), bydd gwleidyddion o’r pedair prif blaid wleidyddol yng Nghymru yn cael eu holi gan y Gymuned...

EU: European Parliament demands environmental and social regulation for business

A European Parliament resolution passed today (13 March 2007) urged the European Commission to extend legal obligations in relation to corporate accountability, such as directors' duties, foreign...

Northern Ireland: Snow Patrol headline new human rights album

Eagerly anticipated Instant Karma , a compilation CD of classic John Lennon songs recorded by an array of best-selling artists will be released by Warner Brothers in conjunction with Amnesty...

Wales: A new event on the campaign trail - Mardi Gras Question Time

Where: The Banking Hall, 113 Bute Street, Cardiff When: 6pm, 13th March 2007 On Tuesday (13th March), politicians from all four main parties in Wales will quizzed by the Lesbian, Gay and Transgender...

Zimbabwe: Investigation required into police attack during Harare demonstration

Amnesty International has demanded an immediate investigation into the killing of Gift Tandare, a Zimbabwean activist shot dead by riot police on Sunday 11 March’s demonstration in Harare. The...