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Iraq: Amnesty International calls for for Saddam Hussein's aides not to be executed

Amnesty International supporters around the world are urgently appealing to the Iraqi authorities to immediately commute the death sentence of three of Saddam Hussein’s aides who are scheduled to be...

Iraq: “Not just Saddam” warns Amnesty as execution figures soar in Iraq

Amnesty International today (3 January) warned the international community that the abhorrent pictures of Saddam Hussein’s execution are just the tip of the iceberg, as Iraq moves back towards a...

UK: Human trafficking - Amnesty International welcomes Conservative Party support for European Convention

Reacting to the news today (3 January) that the Conservative Party has called for Britain to sign up to the European Convention Against Trafficking, Amnesty International UK Campaigns Director Tim...

UK: Human trafficking - Amnesty International welcomes Conservative Party support for European Convention

Reacting to the news today (3 January) that the Conservative Party has called for the Britain to sign up to the European Convention Against Trafficking, Amnesty International UK Campaigns Director Tim...

Iraq: Amnesty International deplores execution of Saddam Hussein

Amnesty International deplored the execution today of Saddam Hussein following the confirmation of his sentence by the Iraqi Appeals Court on 26 December 2006. The organisation, which totally opposes...

Iran: Amnesty condemns flogging of woman forced into prostitution, appeals against stoning of others

Amnesty International today condemned as 'cruel, inhuman and degrading' the flogging of a woman charged with adultery after she was allegedly forced into prostitution by her husband. ‘Parisa’ was...

Eritrea: Over 500 parents of conscripts arrested

Resorting to collective punishment, the Eritrean government has arrested over 500 relatives, mostly parents, of young men and Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights who have either...

Israel/Lebanon: New appeal launched as cluster bomb death toll mounts

26 dead, 186 injured as Israel fails to hand over vital cluster bomb maps Amnesty International has issued a new ‘urgent action’ appeal over unexploded cluster bombs in Lebanon following the Israel...

Libya: Death sentences for foreign medics condemned

Amnesty International condemned the decision of a Libyan court today to sentence to death five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor after convicting them of knowingly infecting hundreds of Libyan...

UK: Amnesty welcomes NI Bill of Rights Forum

Amnesty International has welcomed the establishment by the Government of the Northern Ireland Bill of Rights Forum, which has its preliminary meeting today at Parliament Buildings, Stormont. Amnesty...