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Vietnam: Police raid NGO meeting in 'absurd and shocking crackdown'

Police in Vietnam shut down a major annual meeting of grassroots groups and non-government organisations this morning in an alarming step-up of the authorities’ repression of civil society, said...

Egypt: Court orders release of woman imprisoned for speaking out against sexual harassment

Egyptian authorities must immediately comply with a court decision to release Amal Fathy, a woman human rights defender who was given a two-year sentence in September for posting a video online in...

Women abused on Twitter every 30 seconds - new study

New research reveals the staggering level of abuse against women journalists and politicians from the UK and US on Twitter last year Largest ever study into online abuse against women 'These results...

China: Google's 'plan to drop Project Dragonfly' welcomed

Responding to reports that Google is planning to shut down Project Dragonfly, its controversial censored search app for China, Kumi Naidoo, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, said: “Media...

France: School children and protesters victims of excessive force by police

Amnesty fears for safety of demonstrators at tomorrow’s protests More than 1,400 people injured during recent ‘gilets jaunes’ demonstrations Rubber bullets, tear gas and sting-ball grenades used...

Ireland: Abortion bill welcomed but 'significant flaws' in legislation remain

‘Women have waited 35 years for this’ – Colm O’Gorman Amnesty International has welcomed the passing of the bill to legalise abortion services in Ireland but warned that ‘significant flaws’ in the...

Central African Republic: UN peacekeepers deserted posts as 100 civilians shot and burnt alive - new report

Dozens massacred, including two priests, as thousands sheltering at a Catholic mission left undefended during assault by an armed group Mauritanian UN peacekeepers deserted their posts and retreated...

UK: Public should 'resist drum-beat of calls for all police to carry a Taser'

Responding to the statistics on police deployment of Tasers over the last year published today by the Home Office, Oliver Feeley-Sprague, Amnesty UK’s Police and Security Programme Director, said: “...

Iraq: ISIS systematically destroyed Yezidi farms during onslaught - new report

Hundreds of wells sabotaged, trees cut down, machinery and livestock stolen Call for UN to investigate ISIS crimes related to the environment ‘Hundreds of thousands of displaced farmers and their...

Stansted 15 verdict is 'crushing blow' for human rights in the UK

‘This whole case will send a shiver down the spine of anyone who cares about the right to protest in our country’ - Kate Allen Following guilty verdicts today in the case of 15 people tried in...