Press Releases
In response to reports of at least three deaths after a small boat capsized in the English Channel in the early hours this morning, Steve Valdez-Symonds, Amnesty International UK’s Refugee and Migrant...
Responding to Twitter’s decision to abruptly dissolve its Trust and Safety Council, an advisory group that includes almost 100 civil, human rights organisations that addressed child exploitation...
In response to the Prime Minister’s announcement today to tackle asylum, Steve Valdez-Symonds, Amnesty International UK’s Refugee and Migrant Rights Director, said: “The Prime Minister’s statement on...
Decision to overturn stay on deportation of 114 people to Myanmar risks their safety Return people to violent situations violates Malaysia’s human rights commitments ‘ We strongly urge the Government...
Mounting evidence of crimes under international law by both Governments at the Melilla border Shocking reports of migrants and refugees being pelted with stones and rubber bullets and beaten as they...
First wave of judges for prestigious awards announced Closing date for entries is Monday 23 January 2023 Enter the awards:…
Responding to the Iranian authorities’ public execution today of Majidreza Rahnavard, a young man sentenced to death, after a sham unfair trial, in connection with ongoing nationwide protests, Diana...
Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, FairSquare and Equidem condemn FIFA’s shifting position on effective compensation scheme FIFA set to make $7.5bn from World Cup which concludes this week ‘FIFA could make...
Grieving relatives pressured into giving false accounts in media interviews and prevented from holding customary funerals At least 44 child victims identified, with large proportion from oppressed...
Ilya Yashin sentenced to eight and half years in prison He was charged under a newly introduced crime for disseminating “knowingly false information” denouncing Russia’s war crimes in Ukraine ‘He’s...