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South Sudan: Immediate UN arms embargo needed

The UN Security Council must ensure that all countries immediately impose a comprehensive arms embargo and halt any further flow of weapons into South Sudan, said Amnesty International, as fighting

Jammu and Kashmir: Attacks on hospitals and medics must be prosecuted

‘Heavy-handedness by those policing the protests risks exacerbating a situation that is already tense’ - Zahoor Wani

China: 'Dark days for human rights' as lawyer crackdown continues one year on

The Chinese authorities must end their ruthless assault against human rights lawyers and activists, Amnesty International said on the first anniversary of the start of an unprecedented crackdown.

USA: Philando Castile shooting must be independently investigated

‘How many more wrenching videos do we need to see before there is real change?’ - Jamira Burley

Belarus uses telecoms firms to stifle dissent - new report

The Belarusian authorities are using phone networks run by some of the world’s biggest telecoms companies to stifle free speech and dissent, said Amnesty International in a report published t

Iraq: Execution of five people following Baghdad bombing condemned

At least 105 people have already been executed in Iraq this year

Iraq: Execution of five people following Baghdad bombing comdemned

At least 105 people have already been executed in Iraq this year