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Azerbaijan to host European Games amid relentless repression - new report

‘No-one should be fooled by the glitz and glamour of the international show Azerbaijan is putting on’ - John Dalhuisen

Iran: six Sunni men set to be executed as early as tomorrow morning

‘This horrific final farewell does not have to happen’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui

Letter to Cameron and Clegg urges them to raise human rights during Mexican President's state visit

'While President Peña Nieto is getting the red-carpet treatment, his police and security services have serious blood on their hands' - Tom Davies

Russia: 'Cold-blooded' murder of Boris Nemtsov must be meaningfully investigated

“This is a cold-blooded murder of one of those free voices whom the authorities have so actively sought to silence.” - Denis Krivosheev

UAE: three sisters detained after tweeting about their jailed brother

The women ‘have vanished as if into a black hole’ after being detained on 15 February

Mexico state visit to UK: 'Stop torture piñata' stunt at Mexican Embassy - Mon 2 March

Brightly-coloured papier-mâché container to be broken open to release thousands of petitions to President Peña Nieto on torture

Northern Ireland: 'Draconian' abortion law harshest in Europe

The laws in Northern Ireland relating to abortion are “draconian” and in urgent need of reform, Amnesty International said today, as it published a new report on the issue.

Libya: mounting evidence of war crimes in the wake of Egypt's airstrikes

‘Egypt has now joined the ranks of those placing civilians at risk in Libya’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui

Amnesty International Global Report: Call for UN Security Council to relinquish veto

'Shameful and ineffective’ global response to abuses by armed groups and states