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South Sudan: USA's arms embargo on country should spur UN into wider action

Abuse-ridden conflict recently entered its fifth year Responding to news that the US government has imposed an arms embargo on South Sudan, now in its fifth year of an armed conflict that has led to...

Iran: at least six young human rights activists arrested in coordinated raids

‘We are extremely concerned that these individuals are now at risk of torture’ - Magdalena Mughrabi Responding to reports that at least six young human rights activists - including Shima Babaei and...

Maldives: Overturned conviction of former president 'must mark a turning point'

Responding to news that the Supreme Court in the Maldives has overturned the conviction of former President Mohamed Nasheed on terrorism charges and ordered his release and re-trial - along with eight...

Ivory Coast: Communities at centre of toxic waste dump need answers

Eleven years after 540,000 litres of toxic waste were dumped in the Ivory Coast’s economic capital Abidjan, victims are still in the dark about the potential long-term impacts on their health, Amnesty...

Turkey: Amnesty chair rearrested just hours after release in 'travesty of justice'

The decision to renew the detention of Amnesty International’s Turkey Chair just hours after a court ordered his release must be immediately reversed and Taner Kılıç set free, Amnesty International...

Manus Island: Refugees moved from 'one hellish situation to another'

New facilities unsafe and do not meet refugees’ basic needs Refugees say they live with constant fear of violence from locals 88% suffering from depression or post-traumatic stress disorder Informal...

Bahrain: four people expelled to Iraq after having nationality revoked

Four more told they too will be expelled to Iraq tomorrow (Thursday) Since 2011, Bahrain has revoked the nationality of over 550 people, including at least 150 last year ‘The Bahraini government is...

Egyptian Embassy, London : campaigners to mark two years since Giulio Regeni's death

FRIDAY 2 FEBRUARY 2018, 12-1PM Campaigners will mark the two-year anniversary of the discovery of the body of the murdered Cambridge University student Giulio Regeni with a demonstration outside the...

Turkey: Chair of Amnesty released on bail after nearly eight months

‘Courtroom breaks into cheers’ - Kate Allen, observing the trial in Istanbul Following a decision by a court in Istanbul today to conditionally release the Chair of Amnesty International Turkey, Taner...

Iran hangs man who was only 15 at time of alleged crime

Family assured that execution had been halted, shortly before Ali Kazemi’s hanging at midday today Execution is already second of a juvenile offender in Iran in 2018, and one of dozens in recent years...