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Indonesia: Transgender beauty workers forced to have 'masculine' haircuts in humiliating 're-education' programme

‘The police’s so-called ‘re-education’ of transgender people is not only humiliating and inhumane, it is also unlawful and a clear breach of their human rights’ - Usman Hamid Reacting to the arrest...

Nigeria: Dozens killed after military air attacks on villages following deadly clashes

The Nigerian authorities’ response to communal violence is totally inadequate, and in some cases unlawful, Amnesty International said today, as clashes between herdsmen and farmers in five states have...

Turkey: Amnesty UK director Kate Allen to attend trial of colleagues in Istanbul

More than one million supporters have called for ‘politically-motivated’ charges against 11 human rights activists to be dropped Those on trial include Taner Kılıç, Amnesty’s Turkey chair, and İdil...

Yemen: 'heartbreaking' mass drowning is latest lethal consequence of conflict

Of 152 migrants on board the vessel, at least 30 Somalis and Ethiopians have reportedly drowned Yemen suffering ‘a spiralling humanitarian crisis that has left more than 22 million people reliant on...

Papua New Guinea: Asylum-seeker on hunger strike restrained and force-fed

Responding to news that an asylum-seeker being treated at a hospital in Papua New Guinea for a serious medical condition has been restrained for three days and is being force-fed by hospital staff...

Russia: Authorities must release human rights activist held on 'preposterous' accusations

Responding to the news that the Russian authorities have refused to grant bail to Oyub Titiev, head of human rights group Memorial’s office in the city of Grozny, following a hearing in the Supreme...

Libya: war crimes suspect 'shooting ten people' in video must be brought to justice

Mahmoud al-Werfalli, already wanted by the ICC, appears to shoot dead ten blindfolded figures in horrifying Benghazi video Responding to reports that Mahmoud al-Werfalli - former Field Commander of...

Northern Ireland: UK Government must not legislate for impunity through statute of limitations

Amnesty International has called on the UK Government to reject the idea of a statute of limitations to block the investigation of alleged crimes committed by soldiers and other security forces...

Afghanistan: Amnesty stands in solidarity with Save the Children following deadly attack

In response to today’s attack on Save the Children’s offices in Jalalabad in Afghanistan, which has left several people dead and a number of others injured, Biraj Patnaik, Amnesty International’s...

Cambridge: vigil for Giulio Regeni to mark two years since his disappearance in Egypt

THURSDAY 25 JANUARY 2018, 7.30PM Amnesty International will hold a vigil for the murdered Cambridge University student Giulio Regeni this Thursday evening at 7.30pm to mark the two-year anniversary of...