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Amnesty International UK
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Paraguay: 10-year-old raped by stepfather must be allowed an abortion

Failure by the Paraguayan authorities to provide a safe abortion to a 10-year-old rape survivor could have devastating consequences on her health and will heap injustice on tragedy, said Amnesty In

Refugee and migrant crisis: Amnesty response to Nigel Farage comments in European Parliament today

In response to UKIP leader Nigel Farage’s comments on asylum and immigration at the European Parliament today, Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen said:

USA: Amnesty sends human rights observers to Baltimore

‘We are calling on the police in Baltimore to exercise restraint’ - Steven W Hawkins

Indonesia: 'Theatre of cruelty' condemned as executions go ahead

The execution of eight people in Indonesia today shows complete disregard for due process and human rights, Amnesty International said this evening.

Shell profits won't count the true cost of Niger Delta oil spills

Clean-up and compensation could cost Shell dear Spokespeople available for interview

Shell profits won't count the true cost of Niger Delta oil spills

Clean-up and compensation could cost Shell dear Spokespeople available for interview

USA: Baltimore police must 'exercise restraint' during protests

‘The right to protest and peacefully assemble must be protected by law enforcement, not inhibited by intimidation and excessive force’ - Steven W Hawkins

Northern Ireland: out-of-touch politicians have abdicated responsibility to deliver equality for gay people

Politicians like ‘latter-day King Canutes, trying in vain to hold back the tide of equality’

Indonesia: 72 hours to stop state-sanctioned executions

Amnesty International is calling for an immediate and urgent halt to plans to execute a group of prisoners in Indonesia, including Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, following confirmati