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G20 meeting: world leaders 'must not squander' chance to save lives in Syria

‘The Syrian crisis has put the global governance system to the ultimate test’ - Salil Shetty Easing the suffering of millions of civilians affected by Syria’s armed conflict must be a top priority for...

Chile's 9/11 - Amnesty International exhibition of photos of Pinochet's Chile by award-winning photojournalist Julio Etchart

From 9 - 20 September, Amnesty International will be hosting a photography exhibition at its UK headquarters in Shoreditch to mark the 40th anniversary of General Augusto Pinochet’s bloody military...

Kenya: 'disturbing' parliamentary vote to withdraw from International Court is condemned

Vote sets ‘dangerous precedent for the future of justice in Africa’ - Netsanet Belay Amnesty International has condemned today’s vote in the Kenyan parliament to withdraw from the International...

Amnesty welcomes abuse inquiry progress and repeats call for justice for Magdalene women and clerical child abuse victims

Amnesty International has welcomed the progress announced today by the Historic Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry in investigating allegations of widespread abuse and repeated its call for similar...

Amnesty urges Kenya not to withdraw from International Criminal Court

The Kenyan government’s proposal to withdraw from the International Criminal Court (ICC) Statute is an affront to the hundreds of thousands of Kenyans who lost their lives or were driven from their...

G20 leaders must condemn Russia's homophobic 'gay propaganda' law

Amnesty International has called on world leaders gathering for this week’s G20 meeting in St Petersburg from tomorrow, to condemn Russia’s draconian homophobic law and do all in their power to...

Experts available to comment on Syria refugee numbers

Amnesty International experts are available to comment on the Syria refugee situation after the United Nations refugee agency said that the number of Syrian refugees has now surpassed two million...

Libya: 'Anoud al-Senussi's abduction exposes country's inability to try Saif Gaddafi and others

‘How can the Libyan authorities claim that they are able to deliver fair trials … when they are manifestly unable to ensure the basic safety of detainees?’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui The abduction of...

Iraq: Impartial investigation of Camp Ashraf deaths crucial

Amnesty International is urging the Iraqi authorities to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into violence at Camp Ashraf that reportedly left at least 47 dead yesterday. Hassiba Hadj...

Amnesty International response to death of Seamus Heaney

Amnesty International is deeply saddened at news of the death of Seamus Heaney, announced today in Dublin. Seamus Heaney was a long-standing supporter of Amnesty International. He wrote the well-known...