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Central African Republic: Amnesty names key suspects in new report

More than six months since the conflict in Central African Republic (CAR) escalated, large-scale killings and mutilation of civilians have continued unabated in the country and there has been an al

Italy: Forced eviction in Rome leaves dozens homeless, including children

The forced eviction of some 40 people – half of them young children, including several babies – from a Roma settlement in a Rome suburb this morning is a blatant violation of internatio

South Sudan: Independence Day marred by ongoing war crimes and looming famine

Both sides to the conflict committing war crimes and crimes against humanity

Israel/Gaza: warning to both sides to spare civilians

‘All sides to the conflict have an absolute obligation under international humanitarian law to protect the lives of civilians’ - Philip Luther

Government warned 'the clock is ticking' for British man at risk of torture in Ethiopia

Amnesty International has called on the UK Government to ensure the safety of British man who is at risk of torture after being forcibly returned to Ethiopia.

Australia: High Court intervention on 'dangerous' Sri Lanka asylum boat handovers

Amnesty International today expressed relief that Australian High Court deliberations have put the transfer of asylum seekers to Sri Lanka's Navy in doubt.

Kincora Boys’ Home should be included in new UK child abuse inquiry

Amnesty International in Northern Ireland has called for the inclusion of Belfast’s Kincora Boys’ Home in the inquiry into historical child sex abuse announced today by Home Secretary T

Pope's meeting with clerical sex abuse victims prompts renewed call for Northern Ireland inquiry

Amnesty International has welcomed today’s comments by Pope Francis regarding child sex abuse by priests and called for an inquiry into such abuse in Northern Ireland.

India: Migrant workers exploited and abused in Saudi Arabia

The lack of effective regulation of visa brokers and rogue recruiting agents make Indian migrant workers vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, Amnesty International said today in a new report focus