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Refugee deaths: Amnesty calls for Northern Ireland to be part of the solution to crisis

Responding to the latest news of deaths of hundreds of refugees in the Mediterranean and Austria, Amnesty International’s Northern Ireland programme director, Patrick Corrigan, said all of Europe, inc

Burkina Faso: Opportunity to abolish the death penalty must be seized

Burkina Faso must seize the opportunity to abolish the death penalty, Amnesty International said on the eve of parliamentary sessions which will culminate in an historic vote.

Migration figures: government urged to 'show some basic humanity' over global refugee crisis

‘The UK should be doing far more to help people caught up in the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War’ - Steve Symonds

New inquiry into US 'A-Team' killings of Afghan civillians 'welcome, but overdue'

The US authorities must ensure that the re-opened investigation into the alleged killing of some 18 Afghan civilians by a US Special Forces Unit known as the ‘A-Team’ is rigorous and th

South Sudan: Both parties must commit to ensuring justice for atrocities

“Silencing the guns and signing accords is not enough…” Sarah Jackson, Amnesty’s East Africa deputy director

Iran executes Kurdish man despite unheard appeal as judicial killing spree continues

This morning’s execution denounced as ‘a vicious act of cruelty’

Amnesty Freedom of Expression Award 2015 Shortlist Announced

Seven powerful productions at Edinburgh Festival Fringe chosen for shortlist

Russia: Ukrainian film-maker's 20-year jail sentence compared to 'Stalinist-era show trials'

Oleg Sentsov and ecologist Aleksandr Kolchenko jailed after unfair trial in Russia military court

Saudi Arabia is carrying out executions at a rate of one every two days - new report

Child offenders and those with mental disabilities among those executed

Greece: chaos and squalid conditions for refugees and migrants on island of Lesbos

Dirty, overcrowded detention centre, people crowded onto a car park and many left to walk in sweltering heat