Press Releases
“I would fear for my life to have another child in Ireland.” Rebecca H.
Amnesty International has said that a new Chinese government consulate in Northern Ireland will become a focus of protest for those concerned with China's atrocious human rights record.
Pakistan must immediately halt the imminent execution of a man who maintains he was a juvenile at the time of his alleged crime and who claims to have been tortured into a “confession”
Eight hundred years since Magna Carta a commemorative garden will mark the historic anniversary at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, at a time when modern-day human rights protections are u
Campaigner calls for law change ahead of march for equality in Belfast
As ‘hooded men’ start judicial review application in Belfast High Court, Amnesty International urges a human rights compliant investigation by the UK
‘At least half of those risking their lives in the Mediterranean are fleeing persecution in places like Syria, Eritrea and Somalia’ - Steve Symonds
Amnesty spokespeople, AV, and full report available on request
‘Atena Farghadani has effectively been punished for her cartoons with a sentence that is itself a gross caricature of justice’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui