Press Releases
Responding to the Prime Minister’s announcement that domestic abuse legislation will be reintroduced to Parliament in the Queen’s Speech (14 October), Karla McLaren, Amnesty International UK’s...
Little progress made in case of murdered Rio councillor Marielle Franco, 18 months on Amnesty calls for all those responsible, including the instigators, to be brought to justice “Brazil remains one...
Responding to media reports that two British-Australian women and an Australian man have been detained in Iran, with one of the women said to have been sentenced to ten years in jail, Eilidh...
Glasgow 2020 an 'unmissable opportunity to turn the tide' and avert escalating climate crisis - Kerry Moscogiuri Responding to the announcement that Glasgow has been confirmed as host for the 2020 UN...
Kumi Naidoo writes to 25,000 headteachers, urging them to ‘neither prevent nor punish’ pupils from taking part in the global days of strikes Letter comes ahead of biggest ever wave of global climate...
NSO Group has been under pressure over revelations its invasive technology was used against journalists and human rights defenders ‘The NSO policy comes too late for the scores of activists targeted...
Iran is the only country in the world that stops and punishes women seeking to enter football stadiums 29-year-old poured petrol over herself last week after being charged with ‘appearing in public...
Responding to reports that a Revolutionary Court in Tehran has handed four journalists and three labour rights activists jail sentences of between six and 18 years, and in one case a punishment of 74...
The on-going uncertainty around Brexit poses serious human rights issues, Amnesty International said today.
22 companies - including BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce - failing to undertake adequate human rights due diligence despite war crimes risk Findings come after court ruled UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia...