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Amnesty International UK
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British man facing up to five years in prison for documenting police abuse in Calais

Tom Ciotkowski was observing French riot police preventing volunteers from distributing food to migrants and refugees in Calais Trial begins in France on 15 May, if convicted Tom could face up to five...

Venezuela: Amnesty demands urgent investigation into crimes against humanity

New report details how crimes under international law were coordinated at highest level between state and security forces Extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detentions, and excessive force used...

Sri Lanka: Muslims must be protected from reprisal attacks

Responding to the killing of at least one person and a spate of recent attacks against Muslim-owned businesses, mosques and houses in several parts of Sri Lanka, Thyagi Ruwanpathirana, Amnesty...

Saudi arms ship: campaigners track movements of vessel laden with weapons

The ‘Bahri Yanbu’, laden with Belgian weapons, docked at Tilbury last week Is now headed to Italy after being blocked by protesters in France ‘Was there a transit licence for this vessel to dock at a...

Israel: Amnesty and New York University in legal action to prevent spyware attacks

Israeli MoD currently lets spyware manufacturer NSO Group sell to countries like Saudi Arabia and UAE ‘Pegasus’ spyware reportedly used by Saudi Arabia to track Jamal Khashoggi ‘NSO Group sells its...

Northern Ireland: consultation calls for improved compensation for child abuse victims

Survivors demand meeting with Secretary of State, urge legislation before summer 562 responses to abuse law consultation received by Executive Office 82% of respondents recommend higher redress...

Turkey: Police use violence to break up student Pride march

Reacting to the news that a Pride march organised by students at the Middle East Technical University (METU) in the Turkish capital of Ankara has been violently broken up by police and 25 students...

Saudi Arabia's crackdown on women's rights - a year on

Expert panel will discuss plight of Loujain al-Hathloul and others, and the wider implications for countries like the UK On Wednesday 15 May , Amnesty International UK and the Saudi Arabia-focused...

China: Trans people risking lives with dangerous self-surgery - new report

Trans people in China are performing highly dangerous surgery on themselves and buying unsafe hormone treatments on the black market because it is almost impossible for them to access the health care...

UK Domestic Abuse Bill: Government must listen to migrant and BAME survivors

The Government has today responded to the Home Affairs Select Committee’s concerns about the planned Domestic Abuse Bill Migrant and BAME groups warn that the Government has failed to address concerns...