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Amnesty International UK
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Art from Gruffalo illustrator helps Great Ormond Street and Amnesty International showcase human rights

Amnesty International UK and GO Create! at Great Ormond Street today jointly unveiled a brand new art exhibition called We Are All Born Free at the hospital to help Children's rights explore the theme...

Imprisoned for speaking out in India - with Dr Binayak Sen

What : Public meeting with famous Indian Doctor, activist and former political prisoner, Dr Binayak Sen, recipient of the Jonathan Mann award (2008) for Global Health and Human Rights. Who : Dr...

Theresa May should focus on principle, rather than posturing

Responding to the announcement made to parliament today by the Home Secretary Theresa May, announcing that judges will be given guidance on the interpretation of Article 8 of the European Convention...

China must investigate veteran dissident's death

The Chinese authorities must initiate a full and independent investigation into the death in hospital of a former prisoner of conscience, Amnesty International said today amid outrage at the case...

Amnest Rhyngwladol Cymru yn cefnogi siaradwyr cyhoeddus yr Urdd

Am y tro cyntaf bydd Amnest Rhyngwladol Cymru yn gweithio gydag Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd i gefnogi cystadlaethau siarad cyhoeddus ar y maes. Cynhelir rownd derfynol cystadlaethau siarad...

Amnesty International supports the Urdds public speakers

For the first time, Amnesty International is working with the Urdd National Eisteddfod supporting the public speaking competitions on the maes. The grand finale of the ‘siarad cyhoeddus’ public...

UN Security Council: Urgent action needed to end Sudan's humanitarian disaster

The report 'We can run away from bombs, but not from hunger': Sudan’s refugees in South Sudan highlights the need for aid organisations to be granted immediate access to conflict-affected areas in...

Russia: Putin urged to reject law restricting the right to peaceful assembly

The move by President Vladimir Putin's United Russia party means those participating in "unsanctioned public meetings" can be fined up to 30,000 rubles ($900 US) and up to 50,000 ($1,600 US) rubles if...

Israel: The injustice and secrecy surrounding administrative detention

'Starved of justice: Palestinians detained without trial by Israel’ documents human rights violations associated with administrative detention – a relic of British control of the area that permits...

Latvia: Successful Riga Pride parade despite heavy protests

With the number of police officers in the street almost outnumbering the participants the Latvian capital Riga Saturday hosted its most successful and peaceful Gay Pride Parade so far. Police presence...