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Amnest yn taflu golau ar lywodraeth cyrmru i lansio ymgyrch etholiadol

Arlunydd byd-enwog o Gymru, Michael Bosanko, yn creu delwedd newydd eiconig Actifyddion yn gofyn am addewidion gan ymgeiswyr i’r Cynulliad i Gefnogi Hawliau Dynol Heddiw (dydd Iau, 27 Ionawr), mae...

Amnesty shines a light on the Welsh assembly to launch election campaign

World-renowned Welsh artist Michael Bosanko produces iconic new image Activists seek pledges from Assembly candidates to Stand for Human Rights Amnesty International today (Thursday, 27 Jan), launches...

Egypt urged to allow mass peaceful protests

Amnesty International is urging the Egyptian authorities not to crack down on planned nationwide demonstrations today (25 January), amid reports of police threats to opposition members. Demonstrations...

Shell accused over misleading figures on Nigeria oil spills

Amnesty International and Friends of the Earth International today (25 January) filed an official complaint against oil giant Shell for breaches of basic standards for responsible business set out by...

USA: 13-year-old boy's murder trial could violate international law

Amnesty International has urged the US authorities in the state of Pennsylvania to drop their pursuit of a murder trial in an adult court for a 13-year-old boy, as it could result in a violation of...

'Don't trade away the truth': Barroso urged to defend Uzbekistan's human rights during Karimov visit today

Amnesty International today (24 January) urged José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, who will receive a visit on 24 January by President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan, to make human...

Bomb attack in Moscow airport shows flagrant disregard for human life

Amnesty International condemns the bomb attack at the Moscow airport Domodedovo which took place at around 16.30 (13.30 GMT) in the arrivals lounge and has resulted in numerous victims. Currently...

Bradley Manning: USA accused of inhumane treatment

Amnesty International has urged the US authorities to alleviate the harsh pre-trial detention conditions of Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking information to Wikileaks. The 23-year-old US...

South Korea: Pair convicted for helping families of protestors burnt to death

Amnesty International today condemned the conviction of two South Korean human rights defenders for supporting the families of protestors burnt to death while demonstrating against forced eviction...

Tunisia must act decisively to break with Ben Ali's legacy of abuse

Amnesty International has today (24 January) called on the Tunisian authorities to fundamentally overhaul the country’s repressive security apparatus and justice system as part of a human rights...