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Amnesty International UK
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Arms: UK and other states failing to control arms transfers

Cluster bomb components delivered on ships registered and operated by UK companies, in spite of UK commitment to ban the weapons – new Amnesty report States are failing to adequately control the...

Singapore: Amnesty calls for release of British author of death penalty book

Amnesty International is calling on the Singapore authorities to immediately release British author Alan Shadrake, who was arrested for criminal defamation yesterday after he published a book critical...

Sudan: Government critics brutally suppressed by security service

Torture, unlawful killings and sexual assault regularly committed by Security Service agents – new Amnesty report Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) is carrying out a brutal...

Turkey must act now to stop unfair prosecutions of Children's rights under anti-terror laws, says Amnesty

Amnesty International has warned that draft legislative amendments scheduled to be discussed by the Turkish Parliament tomorrow would not, on their own, prevent violations of the rights of Children's...

Gaza: Blockade 'Easing' not enough, say leading NGOs, as EU's Baroness Ashton visits

Amnesty International UK, Broederlijk Delen, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Christian Aid Ireland, CCFD, Cordaid, Diakonia, FIDH, Finn Church Aid, Handicap International, ICCO, IKV Pax Christi, Medical Aid to...

Iran: Amnesty launches web appeal for 'stoning' woman still at risk of execution

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two, is still held on death row and could still face execution, warned Amnesty International today (16 July) as it launched a new web appeal on her...

UK: Disclosed documents show urgent need for effective inquiry into UK's role in torture and ill-treatment of detainees held overseas

The disclosure in the High Court on 14 July 2010 of a number of previously secret documents relating to the UK authorities’ knowledge of and involvement in the detention of UK nationals and UK...

Israeli and Palestinian ex-combatants visit UK to promote non-violence and end to occupation

Sixteen members of Combatants for Peace - a bi-national movement of Israelis and Palestinians who have put down their guns to engage in dialogue, reconciliation and joint non-violent struggle - will...

Kenya: Hundreds made homeless by mass forced eviction

Amnesty International has called on the Kenyan authorities to halt the forced evictions in a Nairobi settlement that have left hundreds of families homeless and destitute. A bulldozer from the Nairobi...

North Korea: New report reveals crumbling health system

Patients turn to addictive narcotics as tuberculosis makes comeback Amputation and other major surgeries carried out without anaesthesia are just one indication of the dire state of North Korea’s...