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Japan: Two men hanged as 'cruel and inhumane' executions continue

The Japanese government’s continued use of the death penalty demonstrates a contempt for the right to life following the execution of two men earlier today, Amnesty International said. The executions...

Iraq: battle for West Mosul has been 'catastrophic' for civilians - new report

ISIS has used human shields, summarily killed hundreds - possibly thousands - of civilians and hung bodies from electricity pylons as warning to others Iraqi and US-led coalition’s bombardments have...

Bahrain: two-year prison sentence for human rights activist Nabeel Rajab condemned

‘Imprisoning Nabeel Rajab simply for sharing his opinion is a flagrant violation of human rights’ - Salil Shetty The sentencing of the Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab to two years in...

Arms to Saudi Arabia: court ruling a 'deadly blow' to Yemeni civilians

‘This is a deeply disappointing outcome’ - James Lynch A court ruling that the UK Government is entitled to continue authorising arms supplies to Saudi Arabia is a potentially “deadly blow” to Yemeni...

G20: Amnesty International's Secretary General in Hamburg today to demand release of staff detained in Turkey

Press briefing on Turkey's human rights crackdown at the G20 in Hamburg today by Amnesty's Secretary General Salil Shetty. 14.30 local time, more d etails below. Amnesty International’s Secretary...

China must end 'vicious crackdown' on human rights lawyers

The Chinese authorities must end their ruthless campaign of detention and torture of human rights lawyers and activists, said Amnesty International, on the second anniversary of the start of an...

China: Labour activist jailed for publishing account of Tiananmen crackdown

Chinese labour activist Liu Shaoming is the latest victim of the authorities’ relentless assault on human rights after he was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail for publishing his story of the...

Death toll in Mediterranean soars as EU turns its back on refugees and migrants

The soaring death toll in the central Mediterranean and the horrific abuses faced by thousands of refugees and migrants in Libyan detention centres are clearly linked to failing EU policies, said...

El Salvador: Rape survivor sentenced to 30 years in jail under extreme anti-abortion law

The decades-long prison sentence handed a 19-year-old rape survivor in El Salvador after she suffered pregnancy-related complications is a terrifying example of the need the country to urgently repeal...

Rwanda: Next month's election to take place amid 'chilling atmosphere' of repression

Two decades of attacks on political opponents, independent journalists and human rights activists have created a climate of fear in Rwanda ahead of next month’s election, Amnesty International warned...