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Syria: 'beyond cynical' of Putin to focus on Raqqa deaths in Fox News interview

‘Russia has been instrumental in obstructing accountability for such crimes’ - Lynn Maalouf Responding to a Vladimir Putin interview on Fox News yesterday in which the Russian president sought to turn...

Syria: US-led Coalition 'deeply in denial' about civilian casualties in Raqqa

Gavin Williamson recently sought to discredit Amnesty’s Raqqa findings in Commons ‘We are asking the Coalition to live up to their own standards when it comes to reporting on civilian casualties in...

Foreign Office's annual report on human rights fails to hit the mark

Responding to the publication today of the Foreign Office’s annual Human Rights and Democracy report, Allan Hogarth, Amnesty International UK's head of policy and government affairs, said: “The fact...

Student Media Summit: Ian Hislop, Jon Snow, Sue Turton and Nawal Al-Maghafi announced as speakers

Registration now open for the Amnesty International UK and NUS-hosted Student Media Summit 2018: Amnesty International UK and NUS…

UAE forces operating network of secret prisons in Yemen - new report

Scores have been held in ‘parallel security structure’ - where electric-shock torture and sexual violence rife, and detainees ‘disappear’ ‘We should be using our influence with the Emiratis to ensure...

Iran: young man tied to a tree and publicly flogged 80 times for drinking alcohol

Man was convicted of drinking alcohol at a wedding when he was a teenager ‘That a child was prosecuted for consuming alcohol and sentenced to 80 lashes beggars belief’ - Philip Luther A man in Iran...

Trump UK visit: protesters promise to 'bring the noise' with pots and pans women's march and rally

On Friday 13 July, the first day of the US President’s much-discussed visit to the UK, a coalition of organisations will march in protest over the inhumane, divisive, misogynistic and discriminatory...

India: Delhi rape case death sentences will not end violence against women

In response to the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the death sentences in a review plea filed by three of the four convicts in the 2012 Delhi bus gang-rape and murder case, Amnesty International...

Myanmar: Reuters journalists charge decision is 'black day for press freedom'

Responding to today’s decision by a Yangon court to formally charge Reuters journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, with breaching the country’s Official Secrets Act, Tirana Hassan, Amnesty...

Turkey: 'Absurd' terror convictions of six journalists sends shock through media industry

Following the sentencing of six former columnists and editors of the now-closed Zaman newspaper to jail terms of between eight-and-a-half and 10-and-a-half years, and the acquittal of five others...