Press Releases
Hundreds of peaceful anti-corruption protesters in Russia’s two largest cities have been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment in police detention over the past 48 hours as authorities continue...
A landmark settlement that obliges the Australian government to pay more than £42 million in compensation to nearly 2,000 refugees and asylum-seekers for illegally detaining them on Papua New Guinea’s...
Civilians from minority ethnic groups are suffering appalling violations and abuses, including war crimes, at the hands of Burma’s military and ethnic armed groups in the country’s Kachin and northern...
Amnesty International has called a decision of the UK Supreme Court today that women from Northern Ireland are not entitled to free abortion care within the NHS in England as “a further blow to women...
Women who were forced to give birth in Mother and Baby Homes in Northern Ireland, and children who were born in the homes, are calling today for a public inquiry into abuses they say they suffered...
Four others in town of Bizerte jailed for eating in public during Ramadan ‘Failing to conform to religious and social customs is not a criminal offence’ - Heba Morayef The Tunisian authorities’...
The passing of a law stigmatising non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that receive foreign funding is the latest in an escalating crackdown on critical voices and will hamper vital work by civil...
A ruling issued today by the UN Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) that Ireland’s harsh abortion laws violated the human rights of an Irish woman is yet another reminder of the desperate need for reform...
Criminal justice failings fuel new wave of attacks in 2017 Mercy, a 31-year-old woman with albinism, was found dead with her hand, right breast and hair removed The world marks International Albinism...
"The UK Government has a responsibility to deliver abortion rights for women in Northern Ireland. A failure to do so would be a cruel betrayal of women." – Grainne Teggart The call comes ahead of a...