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Northern Ireland: Government must reject Defence Committee proposals to legislate for impunity

Amnesty calls on UK Government to guarantee truth and justice for all Northern Ireland victims The House of Commons Defence Select Committee’s call for an end to investigations for killings and...

100 'Statues of Liberty' will protest outside US Embassy to mark Trump's 100 days in office

One hundred Statues of Liberty will assemble outside the US Embassy in central London on Thursday 27 April to mark US President Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office (29 April). The ‘100 statues...

Home Office must adopt MPs' proposals to improve refugees' plight in Britain

Responding to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Refugees report that highlighted a “two-tier” system of refugee protection, Steve Symonds, Amnesty International UK’s programme director for...

USA: Arkansas executions 'heinous' and 'shameful'

Arkansas executed two men, Jack Jones and Marcel Williams, late last night – the first double execution in the US for 17 years. The executions were the second and third of four prisoners scheduled to...

Yemen: Looming attack on key port city puts civilian lives at grave risk

Reports that Saudi Arabia-led coalition is gearing up for major military offensive on strategic western port city of Hodeidah raises fears that vital entry point for humanitarian aid will be cut off...

Northern Ireland: Child abuse survivors march on Stormont talks to demand justice

Victims of child abuse marched on the Stormont political talks today to demand justice. The protest comes three months on from the publication of the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry report –...

Northern Ireland: Child abuse survivors march on Stormont talks to demand justice

Victims of child abuse marched on the Stormont political talks today to demand justice. The protest comes three months on from the publication of the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry report –...

Amnesty welcomes landmark Citizens’ Assembly result and calls for abortion reform across Ireland

Amnesty International has welcomed the landmark vote of the Citizens’ Assembly in the Republic of Ireland that the Eighth Amendment of the Irish Constitution, which gives equal rights to a foetus as...

Football players and celebrity fans back Amnesty’s ‘Football Welcomes’ this weekend

Juliet Stevenson, Patrick Stewart and the Kaiser Chiefs support Amnesty’s Football Welcomes initiative.

Watford midfielder Valon Behrami calls for solidarity with refugees fleeing ‘extreme situations’ ahead of new Football Welcomes initiative this weekend

Premier League player Valon Behrami speaks out about his experience of fleeing Kosovo in 1990 and how football helped him settle in Switzerland.