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Doctors and midwives to governments: Criminalising abortion puts women's lives at risk


Doctors and midwives to governments: criminalising abortion puts women’s lives at risk

Doctors, midwives and health professionals from every region of the world today added their voices to the growing pressure for the decriminalisation of abortion, with 838 from 44 countries signing

Northern Ireland talks: Latest failure for victims who've been failed repeatedly for decades

Responding to the failure today to reach an agreement over how to deal with the legacy of Northern Ireland's troubled past, Patrick Corrigan, Northern Ireland programme Director of Amnesty Inte

Paris attacks: Failure to extend solidarity to refugees would be 'tragic victory for terror over humanity'

In the wake of last Friday’s atrocious attacks on Paris the EU must resist the urge to further seal off its external borders, which would continue to fuel a range of human rights abuses while

British and Irish governments must not trade away victims' rights in Stormont talks

NGOs have called on the Irish and British Governments to ensure that any legacy mechanisms that may be agreed at the negotiating table in this week’s Stormont talks are ‘human rights co

G20 leaders must not use Paris tragedy to fuel anti-refugee agenda

World leaders must show true statesmanship and refrain from bowing to a knee-jerk anti-refugee agenda in the wake of the despicable attacks in

Chile: A 22-year-old woman arrested for having an abortion must be released

Woman under house arrest after hospital staff complained to the authorities

G20: Rich countries must pull a U-turn on shameful refugee response

The world’s wealthiest countries must end their shocking inaction and begin to lead a coordinated response to the spiralling global refugee crisis by proposing a concrete plan for resettling

G20: Rich countries must pull a U-turn on shameful refugee response

The world’s wealthiest countries must end their shocking inaction and begin to lead a coordinated response to the spiralling global refugee crisis by proposing a concrete plan for resettling

West Bank: Israel's Hebron hospital killing may amount to extrajudicial execution

‘The fact that Abdullah Shalaldah was shot in the head and upper body suggests this was an extrajudicial execution’ - Philip Luther