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Global: Women's and girls' rights in Afghanistan must be a priority at UN-hosted Doha meeting

Upcoming meeting is the third in the multiple rounds of UN-hosted talks on Afghanistan in the last year ‘The rights of women and girls in Afghanistan are non-negotiable’ - Agnès Callamard Ahead of the...

Namibia: decision to overturn 'sodomy' laws is a victory for human rights

Responding to the decision by the Namibia High Court to overturn the country's colonial-era “sodomy” and “unnatural offences” laws which had criminalised same-sex sexual conduct between consenting...

Election 2024: Leading human rights organisations call for greater scrutiny of human rights policy in campaign period

Liberty, Amnesty International UK, Human Rights Watch, Freedom From Torture and Inclusion London, addressed journalists in Westminster this morning Politicians need to see human rights as a solution...

Global: Gender apartheid must be recognised as a crime under international law

‘This form of institutionalised oppression must be named’ - Agnès Callamard Gender apartheid must be recognised as a crime under international law to strengthen efforts to combat institutionalised...

UK: family of British man jailed in Egypt unfurl banner off Brighton Pier

The family of a British man arbitrarily jailed in Egypt have marked F ather’s Day by unfurling a giant banner down the side o f Brighton’s iconic pier as the latest stage in their ongoing campaign to...

Egypt: Authorities must release protesters and activists detained over Palestine solidarity

Over 123 people arrested for peacefully protesting, posting comments online, hanging signs or writing slogans on walls At least 95 people including two children remain in pre-trial detention facing...

Northern Ireland: Increase in use of force by PSNI ‘deeply disturbing’

Increased use of plastic bullets, firing of Tasers and use of spit hoods - including on children aged under-13 8% of use of batons and 5% of use of police dogs on Irish Travellers, despite making up...

UK: Grenfell families still waiting for justice

Today marks seven years since the Grenfell Tower fire and still no one held to account Survivors and bereaved families need justice now New ‘Failure to Prevent’ law needed that makes clear companies...

China: 'malicious' conviction of #MeToo and labour activists shows Beijing's growing fear of dissent

Responding to the sentencing of Chinese #MeToo activist Sophia Huang Xueqin to five years in prison and labour activist Wang Jianbing to three years and six months in prison for ‘inciting subversion...

UK: granting of permission to join arms to Israel legal challenge welcomed

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch given permission to intervene in judicial review case Responding to the High Court today granting permission for Amnesty International and Human Rights...