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Women's March on London: 'This is more than a moment. It is a movement' - Kate Allen

An estimated one hundred thousand people turned out onto the streets of London yesterday for the Women’s March, joining millions across the world in a day of global action and solidarity for

Northern Ireland: Amnesty welcomes inquiry report on child abuse

‘Today is a moment of truth and must be a catalyst for justice’ - Patrick Corrigan

Northern Ireland: Child abuse inquiry must deliver truth and justice for victims

‘I will be shocked if the Inquiry finds anything less than catastrophic and systemic failure’ - Patrick Corrigan

US presidential inauguration: Trump must drop 'hateful rhetoric' and respect human rights

‘Donald Trump must abandon the hateful rhetoric that riddled his campaign and commit to protecting human rights for everyone’ - Margaret Huang

Russian lawmakers should drop plans to decriminalise domestic violence

Second reading of ‘slapping bill’ tomorrow condemned

Gambia: Adama Barrow must not forget his big promises

As Adama Barrow is scheduled to be inaugurated in Senegal this afternoon, Sabrina Mahtani, Amnesty Internat

Northern Ireland: “women seeking abortions are not criminals” - Amnesty, in response to latest pill case

‘The law must stop treat ing Northern Ireland w o me n who need abortion s as criminal s ’ - Patrick Corrigan

Gambia: State of emergency no licence for repression

Amnesty International UK and Human Rights Watch Joint Press Release Soldiers arbitrarily detained as political crisis deepens

Iranian journalist given 40 lashes for 'inaccurate reporting'

Wave of floggings, amputations and other vicious punishments, with mixed-gender parties targeted