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Egypt must curb excessive force by security forces

‘The recourse to violence by some protesters does not give a blank cheque to the police to shoot and beat protesters’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui Eyewitness accounts collected by Amnesty International in...

Cameroon: Unlawful killings, tortures and illegal detentions go unpunished - new Amnesty report reveals

People in Cameroon are being subjected to a raft of abuses including unlawful killings and torture, as the authorities seek to use the criminal justice system to clamp down on political opponents...

Egypt: no senior officials convicted two years on from revolution - new report

No senior official or security officer has been convicted or properly punished for killing or injuring protesters during Egypt’s revolution two years ago, said Amnesty International today, as it...

India: Political will needed to end violence against women

A series of recommendations to curb violence against women in India in the wake of the rape and murder of a 23-year-old woman, will require strong political action and judicial will if they are to be...

Posthumous trial of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky is 'farcical' and 'sinister'

Trial ‘would open a whole new chapter in Russia’s worsening human rights record’ - John Dalhuisen The forthcoming posthumous trial of a whistle-blowing Russian lawyer is a “travesty” and a “sinister”...

Dominican Republic: Police officers finally charged in key killings case

A prosecutor in the Dominican Republic has filed charges against five policemen and a naval officer for the murder of two men in 2009, in what Amnesty International called a key case that points to...

Student human rights award: Pulitzer Fellowship worth $2,000 up for grabs

Students have just four weeks left to enter the Student Human Rights Reporter award. The award is run in conjunction with Amnesty International UK, the National Union of Students and The Observer. And...

Statement in response to the news of the death of Inez McCormack

Patrick Corrigan, Northern Ireland Programme Director of Amnesty International, said: "It is with deep sadness that we learned of the death of Inez McCormack. She was an inspirational leader for human...

USA's drones 'manual' must be fully disclosed

‘There already exists a rulebook for these issues: it’s called international law’ - Susan Lee The use of lethal force by the US government must be in accordance with international law, Amnesty...

Guatemala: Time to act over killings of women and girls

Authorities in Guatemala are putting women’s lives at risk by systematically failing to protect them and ensure those responsible for the hundreds of killings each year face justice, Amnesty...