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Brighton Declaration 'largely ends up avoiding the difficult questions while infringing on Court's independence and authority'

A political declaration by the 47 Council of Europe member states fails to address key challenges faced by the European Court of Human Rights even if it contains some positive measures, Amnesty...

Tawargha man in Libya tortured to death after being held by Misratah militia

The Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) must act immediately to investigate and prosecute abuses against the Tawargha community of black Libyans, said Amnesty International today, after another...

Azerbaijan: Journalists brutally attacked as crackdown continues ahead of Eurovision

A violent assault on journalists who tried to film illegal house demolitions on the outskirts of Azerbaijan’s capital Baku on Wednesday must be thoroughly and impartially investigated by the...

Guinea-Bissau: increasing repression in wake of military coup

Growing restrictions on protesters, the media and freedom of movement are fuelling fear and insecurity in the wake of the military coup in Guinea Bissau, according to Amnesty International. Amnesty...

Libya rendition case 'could be important step toward accountability'

‘Today’s legal action is a stark reminder of the importance of ensuring that such cases … should not be draped in a cloak of secrecy’ - John Dalhuisen The UK must ensure full accountability for its...

Mali soldiers urged to release top officials

Soldiers in Mali have arbitrarily detained a group of at least eight key political figures and military officials, prompting Amnesty International to call for their release. Among those arrested are...

New report says Bahrain's human rights crisis not over, promised reforms not delivered

‘With the world’s eyes on Bahrain as it prepares to host the Grand Prix, no-one should be under any illusions that the country’s human rights crisis is over’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui In recent months a...

Amnesty welcome OFMdFM 'first step' on human rights dialogue with China

Responding to news that both the First and deputy First Ministers raised human rights concerns with Madame Liu Yandong, a senior representative of the Chinese Government, during her visit to Northern...

Hunger-striker Mohammed al-Bajady jailed for four years after secret trial

‘After more than a year in detention without being able to see his lawyer, he has been denied any form of justice’ - Philip Luther The sentencing of a prominent Saudi Arabian human rights activist to...

Viet Nam: Release jailed blogger facing 'propaganda' trail

“The persecution of Nguyen Hoang Hai is blatant and unjust” The Vietnamese authorities must end their persecution of a prisoner of conscience facing trial this week on politically motivated charges...