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UN Security Council resolution on Syria described as 'underwhelming'

The resolution voted today by the UN Security Council endorsing the implementation of Kofi Annan’s plan to end the violence in Syria is a positive but belated development that must be followed up with...

New human rights briefing on Bahrain released

As discussions around the scheduling of the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Bahrain intensify, Amnesty International has today released a briefing summarising the continuing human rights crisis in Bahrain. A...

Guinea-Bissau: Coup attempt underscores human rights concerns

A military takeover in Guinea-Bissau underscores the country’s serious unresolved human rights concerns, Amnesty International said on Friday (13 April). On-going tensions within Guinea-Bissau’s...

Saudi Arabia should release hunger-striker Mohammed Saleh al-Bajady

The Saudi Arabian authorities must release a prominent human rights activist who is reported to have been on hunger strike for five weeks in protest at his continuing unfair imprisonment, Amnesty...

China: Northern Ireland's leaders must not trade away human rights during Autumn visit

Amnesty International has responded to news of today's visit by Liu Yandong, State Councillor and the highest ranking female politician in China's Communist Party, by calling on Northern Ireland's...

North Korea: North Korea: 'Appalling, systematic human rights abuses' overshadow 'day of sun'

North Korea’s ‘Day of the Sun’ – the official title for the centenary of founder Kim Il-sung’s birth to be celebrated this Sunday – is an opportunity to shed light on the country’s abysmal human...

Fresh call for Louisiana to end 'Angola 3' isolation after 40 years

‘The 40-year isolated incarceration of these two men is scandalous’ - Everette Harvey Thompson In the lead-up to the 40th “anniversary” of the solitary confinement of the “Angola 3” prisoners in the...

Jail sentence for Chinese housing activist Ni Yulan 'completely unacceptable'

A prominent Chinese housing activist jailed today on spurious charges must be released immediately, Amnesty International has said. Ni Yulan, who is disabled, was handed a two-year-and-eight-month...

Delay over hunger-striker Abdulhadi al-Khawaja case could be 'disastrous'

‘We hold the Bahraini authorities responsible for his situation’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui The Bahraini authorities must immediately and unconditionally release a prominent human rights activist whose...

Response to fresh reports of UK's alleged involvement in rendition

Responding to fresh reports of the UK’s alleged involvement in the rendition of several people to Libya, Amnesty International UK Policy Adviser Tara Lyle said: “The allegations are mounting higher...