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Libya: ICC arrest warrants for Gaddafi and others welcomed

Arrest warrant is only second - after Bashir, Sudan - issued for sitting head of state Colonel M’uammar al-Gaddafi and other senior Libyan government figures must be arrested and handed over to the...

Nigeria: Armed groups targeting civilians in latest bombings

Nigerian armed groups must stop attacking civilians, Amnesty International said today, after as many as 30 people were killed in a bomb attack blamed on the religious sect Boko Haram. Motorcyclists...

Egypt: Military's pledge to end 'virginity tests' on protestors welcomed

The head of Egypt’s military intelligence has promised Amnesty International that the army will no longer carry out forced “virginity tests” after defending their use during a meeting with the...

China: Weiwei and associates freed, but other activists still in detention

Associates of Ai Weiwei who had been subjected to enforced disappearance along with the Chinese artist since April have been released, according to media reports today. Wen Tao, Hu Mingfen and Liu...

Kuwait: call for release of man detained for tweeting about Middle East protests

Amnesty International is calling for the release of a man in Kuwait who has been detained for tweeting in support of protestors in Bahrain and elsewhere in the Middle East. Nasser Abul, 26, was...

Congo: New mass rapes are horrific failure of justice

New mass rapes by members of the Congolese army in the Democratic Republic of Congo are the result of the government’s failure to bring human rights abusers to justice, Amnesty International said...

Cameron must make human rights a priority in meeting with Wen Jiabao

David Cameron must keep up the pressure on Chinese premier Wen Jiabao, over China’s appalling human rights record when they meet on Monday, Amnesty International said today. The release of Ai Weiwei...

Tunisia joining the International Criminal Court is welcomed

Amnesty has welcomed Tunisia’s joining of the International Criminal Court (ICC). At a ceremony at the UN in New York, Tunisia has become the 116th state party to the Rome Statute, which set up the...

Romania legal system condemning Roma to poor housing

Romania’s poorest and most disadvantaged citizens cannot access adequate housing because of the country’s legal system, Amnesty International said in a briefing published today. Mind the legal gap...

Syria: 'General Amnesty' fails to free hundreds of detained after protests

A new “general amnesty” announced in Syria falls far short of the political reforms called for by protesters, Amnesty International said today. According to the state news agency SANA, the amnesty...