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Rex Tillerson should raise Russia's 'staggering' human rights record during Moscow trip

Reported abduction of 100 men in ‘gay purge’ in Chechnya and moves to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses are just latest in long line of abuses Though recent developments in Syria are set to dominate US...

Mark Wallinger's 'Ecce Homo' statue installed at St Paul's Cathedral

Amnesty International, St Paul’s Cathedral and renowned artist Mark Wallinger are collaborating to highlight the plight of all those currently in prison, suffering torture or facing execution because...

Global executions down more than a third, but death sentences at record high - new report

1,032 executions worldwide in 2016, down 37% from 2015 (1,634) Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Pakistan join China in world’s top five executioners USA carries out lowest number of executions in quarter...

Uganda: University lecturer detained for criticising President on Facebook

Lecturer criticised President for not providing free sanitary towels to all schoolgirls ‘Lack of sanitary towels is one of the leading causes of girls dropping out of school’ A Ugandan university...

Brendan Cox calls for Britain's communities to fight alarming rise in populism

Brendan Cox, husband of murdered MP Jo Cox, today warned against normalising ‘populism’ as an accepted movement in modern politics. The widower said the dangerous rise of the far right can be stopped...

US airstrikes in Syria: US forces must avoid repeat of civilian casualties

President Trump’s concern for Syrians killed in chemical weapons attack contrasts with attempts to impose refugee ban In response to United States airstrikes on a Syrian army airbase in Homs, three...

Plan to brand NGOs has sombre echoes of Russia’s ‘foreign agents law’

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Hungary that receive foreign funding – even direct European Union support – risk being discredited and undermined by a draft law leaked to the media, said...

UN's 'Universal Declaration' most important contribution to UK human rights in last 80 years - new survey

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has contributed most to the progression of human rights in the UK in the last 80 years, a poll by Amnesty International UK and YouGov has found. The milestone...

Amnesty to install Mark Wallinger's 'Ecce Homo' sculpture at St Paul's Cathedral

Amnesty International will install Mark Wallinger’s ‘Ecce Homo’ sculpture at St Paul’s Cathedral in central London on the morning of Tuesday 11 April. The life-size sculpture shows the figure of Jesus...

Russia bans Putin 'gay clown' image while propagating homophobia

‘Rather than clamping down on political satire, the state should be using the machinery of justice to investigate the recent horrific reports of mass abduction, torture and killings of gay men in...