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President Obama should pardon Edward Snowden before he leaves office

‘It will be a deep stain on President Obama’s legacy if he leaves office with Snowden still in exile in Russia’ - Salil Shetty UK Government should ‘drop plans for new snooping laws which would extend...

UN refugee meeting: World leaders slammed for "shocking failure of leadership" over global refugee crisis

Ahead of two high-profile international meetings in New York on refugees next week, Amnesty has warned that unless world leaders urgently agree a solution to help refugees reach safety, more and mo

Geneva: UN Human Rights Council must establish investigation into civilian deaths in Yemen

‘Yemen has now endured 18 months of unrelenting conflict, which has caused devastating human suffering’ - Philip Luther

Iran: Five-year sentence for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe in case that has been 'a complete travesty of justice throughout'

‘ Nazanin’s case has been a complete travesty of justice throughout’ - Kathy Voss

Northern Ireland abortion law: Executive should pursue legislation not litigation

Amnesty International has criticised the Northern Ireland Department of Justice for spending more than £100,000 defending Northern Ireland’s restrictive abortion law against legal actio

Scotland: Dungavel closure welcomed but asylum-seekers' rights must be respected in new facility

‘Indefinite detention is expensive, ineffective, and extremely harmful to many of the people held’ - Naomi McAuliffe

Spit hoods: 'Relieved' at Met Police decision to 'put brakes on' rollout

In response to the Met Police’s decision to suspend its decision to pilot spit hoods Amnesty International UK’s arms programme director Oliver Sprague said:

Spit hoods 'little more than glorified sack' which can be 'cruel and dangerous'

Responding to a Metropolitan police announcement that its officers will be permitted to use spit hoods on suspects within weeks, Amnesty International’s UK Arms Programme Director Oliver Spra