Press Releases
“If you rob somebody and this person files a complaint, if the police identify you as the robber, they look for you and without letting you speak they shoot at you.” More than one in ten of all...
As the First Minister visits China, Amnesty International is demanding that he raises human rights issues with his counterparts, highlighting their campaign using China Tea. In contrast to Scottish...
Wrth i’r Prif Weinidog ymweld â Tsieina, mae Amnest Rhyngwladol yn mynnu ei fod yn trafod problemau hawliau dynol gyda’i bartneriaid yno gan amlygu eu hymgyrch yn defnyddio Te Tsieina. Mewn...
The Syrian government has turned hospitals into instruments of repression in its efforts to crush opposition, Amnesty International said in a new report published today (24 October). The 39-page...
The new Libya must be built on respect for human rights and justice, not retribution for the wrongs of the past Amnesty International today urged the new Libyan authorities to ensure a full...
The report Central African Republic: Action needed to end decades of abuse describes how people in t
The reported death of Colonel Mu'ammar al-Gaddafi would bring to a close a chapter of Libya's history marked by repression and abuse but does not end the story, Amnesty International said today...
The UK, USA and Russia are among several countries to have supplied large quantities of weapons to repressive governments in the Middle East and North Africa in recent years, despite having evidence...
Amnesty International said today, that Basildon Council was conducting a “forced eviction on an unprecedented scale” at Dale Farm. Amnesty refuted attempts to portray the eviction as a “site clearance...
Responding to the publication today of the Justice and Security Green Paper - unveiled by Ken Clarke, the Justice Secretary - Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen said: “We’ll be studying the...