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Israel using previously-unreported facial recognition system to 'automate apartheid' against Palestinians - new report

‘Red Wolf’ technology in Hebron automatically scans Palestinians’ faces at checkpoints Chinese and Dutch companies implicated in mass surveillance systems which are incompatible with human rights...

UK: Government must offer to host Sudanese nationals at most risk

Commenting on the Foreign Secretary James Cleverly’s remarks about the UK’s evacuation efforts in Sudan, Sacha Deshmukh, Amnesty International UK’s Chief Executive, said: “On top of growing reports...

Turkey: People with disabilities neglected in humanitarian response to devastating earthquakes - new report

70 percent of injured earthquake survivors are expected to have a disability People with disabilities living in dire and unsanitary camp conditions Urgent need to scale up mental health and...

Amnesty International UK Media Awards 2023 - winners announced

Awards ceremony hosted by the BBC’s Maryam Moshiri BBC Eye Investigations took home award for best investigation Outstanding Impact Award won by The Sunday Times Magazine The winners of Amnesty...

UK: passing of controversial Public Order Bill is 'alarming'

‘It is deeply irresponsible to hand yet more powers to the police in this area’ - Oliver Feeley-Sprague Responding to Parliament’s passing of the highly controversial Public Order Bill this afternoon...

Singapore: Unlawful execution shows ‘stubborn embrace’ of death penalty

Tangaraju Suppiah executed by hanging today Proceedings violated international human rights law and standards Denied access to lawyer and interpreter during police questioning ‘This unlawful execution...

Lebanon: Syrian refugees in danger after wave of forced deportations by army

Dozens of Syrian refugees summarily deported last week after house raids More the 100 refugees already in perilous situation on Syrian side of border ‘It is extremely alarming to see the army deciding...

Climate Change: Millions taking part in Earth Day is key to protecting the planet and people

Hundreds of millions of people expected to mark Earth Day this year Severe environmental, health and human rights consequences due to the climate crisis ‘We are not moving fast enough to prevent a...

UK: former Iran prisoner Anoosheh Ashoori to run London Marathon

Sixty-eight-year-old Londoner will receive ‘Spirit of the London Marathon’ award tomorrow Ashoori, competing for second time in seven months after being freed from prison, will run in solidarity with...

Uganda: President Museveni must urgently veto 'draconian' anti-homosexuality bill

President Yoweri Museveni must urgently veto the draconian Anti-Homosexuality Bill which criminalises consensual same-sex conduct in Uganda, Amnesty International said today. Tomorrow (21 April)...