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Russia: Navalny's hospital transfer could mean further punishment

Opposition leader transferred to prison hospital where he is at risk of force-feeding His doctors say he could die ‘at any moment’ ‘A decision to force-feed him may amount to torture’ - Marie...

Northern Ireland: ‘Conversion therapy’ ban must include harmful religious practices

Northern Ireland legislation to ban so-called LGBT+ conversion therapy must include harmful religious practices, Amnesty International has said ahead of a debate at the Stormont Assembly tomorrow. A...

Russia: Proposed ban of Aleksei Navalny’s organisations a chilling attempt to fully shut down dissent  

'Tens of thousands of peaceful activists and the staff of Aleksei Navalny’s organisations are in grave danger' - Natalia Zviagina Responding to news that a Russian prosecutor has lodged a court...

USA: Mass shooting at Fedex facility is 'crippling' - Congress must take action

‘ Gun violence remains one of the most pervasive human rights violations facing our country today’ – Ernest Coverson In response to the Indianapolis mass shooting at a FedEx facility which is reported...

Hong Kong: Nine pro-democracy activists jailed for 2019 protest

Responding to this morning’s sentencing of nine Hong Kong pro-democracy activists for taking part in an “unauthorised” protest in August 2019, Yamini Mishra, Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific...

Ethiopia: Eritrean troops kills more civilians in Tigray - eyewitness evidence

Eritrean forces opened fire on civilians in town of Adwa, killing three people and injuring at least 19 ‘There was no fighting but just shooting at passersby’ - eyewitness ‘We demand justice and...

Russia: raid at student magazine a 'new low' in press freedom crackdown

Office of online publication DOXA raided, with four journalists facing criminal charges and possible three-year jail sentence New crackdown comes after interrogation of investigative journalist Roman...

USA: Daunte Wright's death yet again shows urgent need to address policing failures

‘ Surviving an interaction with law enforcement shouldn’t depend on where you live or the colour of your skin’ - Kristina Roth Responding to the April 11 fatal shooting of Daunte Wright by a police...

Bahrain: more than 70 new Covid cases in major outbreak at Jaw prison

Prisoners not given face masks or hand sanitiser despite overcrowded conditions Authorities apparently blocking communication with outside world ‘They must not gamble with the lives of those in their...

Northern Ireland: Use of water cannons and plastic bullets 'extremely alarming'

Police used water cannons and Attenuating Energy Projectiles (AEPs) during disorder in Belfast Responding to the police use of water cannons and Attenuating Energy Projectiles (AEPs) – commonly known...