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Alan Duncan's remarks on Turkey arrests welcome, now UK must join call for release

‘Istanbul 10’ are being investigated on supposed terrorism grounds as crackdown continues ‘We need to see the UK publicly calling for the release of Idil Eser, Amnesty International Turkey Director...

Bahrain: terrorism charges against human rights activist Ebtisam al-Saegh condemned

‘Ebtisam al-Saegh is a prisoner of conscience who must be immediately and unconditionally released’ - Samah Hadid Activist has endured daily 12- or 13-hour interrogation sessions The Bahraini...

Lebanon: thousands at risk as prime minister announces Arsal security operation

Town is home to 100,000 Syrian refugees Responding to a statement by Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri today announcing an imminent security operation in the outskirts of Arsal - a town in north...

Turkey: Jailing of activists, including Amnesty director, a crushing blow for rights

The remanding of six human rights defenders in pre-trial custody is an appalling affront to justice and a new low in Turkey’s post-coup crackdown, said Amnesty International. Amnesty International...

Morocco/Western Sahara: torture allegations cast shadow over Sahrawi protest camp case

24 Sahrawi activists face verdicts tomorrow in long-running Gdeim Izik camp case Verdict comes after years of claims that defendants were tortured into making false confessions The Moroccan judicial...

Palestinian police officer due in court for alleged assault on Amnesty researcher

‘Palestinian security forces have an appalling track record of using excessive force against peaceful protesters, journalists and activists’ - Philip Luther A Palestinian police officer is due in...

Hong Kong: Disqualification of lawmakers underscores government agenda to silence political critics

Responding to a Hong Kong court decision today to disqualify four pro-democracy lawmakers for failing to sincerely take the oath of office, Mabel Au, Director of Amnesty International Hong Kong, said...

Liu Xiaobo: A 'giant of human rights' who leaves a lasting legacy for China and the world

Responding to the news that Nobel Peace Prize Winner Liu Xiaobo has died, Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International, said: “Today we grieve the loss of a giant of human rights. Liu...

Repeal Bill: Amnesty International and Liberty's joint response

Amnesty International UK and Liberty today jointly call on the Government to ensure the Brexit process does not roll back the rights and freedoms of people in the UK – and to include this formal...

Japan: Two men hanged as 'cruel and inhumane' executions continue

The Japanese government’s continued use of the death penalty demonstrates a contempt for the right to life following the execution of two men earlier today, Amnesty International said. The executions...