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Northern Ireland: McAnespie verdict must be death knell for 'wholly discredited' Troubles Bill

‘This must not be the last Troubles trial’ - Grainne Teggart ‘Not a day passes when we don’t miss Aidan. This case has shown justice is possible after all these years and every victim must have truth...

Qatar: Irish FA backs human rights calls in FIFA meeting in Doha

Irish Football Association President and Chief Executive have met senior FIFA officials in Doha to call for progress on human rights IFA backs calls for migrant worker compensation and investigations...

Afghanistan: Taliban’s cruel return to hardline practices with public floggings must be halted immediately

Responding to the public flogging of three women and 11 men on Wednesday (23 November) on the orders of a Taliban court on charges of theft and moral crimes in Logar province of Afghanistan, Samira...

Iran: UN resolution to investigate protest crackdown welcomed

Human Rights Council in Geneva agrees to creation of a fact-finding mission Iranian authorities have ignored repeated past calls to open criminal investigations ‘The cries of people in Iran for...

UK: Year on from mass drowning new statistics show asylum system in 'complete disarray'

Latest Home Office figures show large increase in backlog of asylum applications Call for ‘complete overhaul’ of asylum policy and abandonment of Rwanda deal ‘ The totally unacceptable asylum backlog...

Russia: Authorities 'hellbent' on suppressing reporting of anti-war movement - new report

Journalists targeted to deny Russian people information about opposition to war in Ukraine Hundreds of journalists have left the county is mass exodus ‘Police are increasingly acting arbitrarily to...

UK: More than 11,000 people join call for housing to be made a human right

Government policies are causing thousands of people to be denied housing Amnesty is calling for destructive, subjective criteria to be scrapped 'Housing is a human right, not a luxury and it needs to...

Northern Ireland: Troubles trial verdict due over death of Aidan McAnespie

McAnespie family and Amnesty International to hold press conference outside Laganside Courthouse, Belfast, Northern Ireland Verdict expected on Friday 25 November at 11am Judgment comes in same week...

Turkey: Convictions of former Amnesty staff overturned, but fight against 'curtailing of human rights' in country continues

Convictions of four human rights defenders, on trial since 2017, quashed by Turkey’s highest court Defendants include Taner Kılıç, Amnesty Turkey’s Honorary Chair, and Idil Eser, Amnesty Turkey’s...

Qatar: FIFA yet again 'fails to uphold human rights' after 'One Love' armbands pulled

Responding to FIFA’s threats to sanction players who planned to wear ‘One Love’ armbands to show support for the LGBTI community, Steve Cockburn, Amnesty International’s Head of Economic and Social...