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Pakistan: Travel ban on leading journalist Cyril Almeida must be lifted

‘The travel ban on Cyril Almeida is a crude intimidation tactic designed to silence journalists’ - Audrey Gaughran

Jordan: aid to Syrians trapped in desert 'berm' must be followed by long-term solution

‘A real and meaningful solution would be for Jordan … to provide the stranded refugees with safety and sanctuary’ - Audrey Gaughran

Iraq: Yezidi girls and women being failed after release from ISIS captivity - new testimonies

A 32-year-old mother relates ordeal of abduction along with five of her children, one of whom committed suicide after their eventual release

Cuts to legal aid have 'decimated access to justice' for thousands of the most vulnerable

‘If Theresa May is really determined to deliver a country that works for all then there needs to be a justice system for everyone, not just those who can afford it&rs

Yemen: funeral hall killings are another reminder of need for UK to suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Responding to the twin air strikes on a crowded funeral hall in the Yemeni capital Sanaa at the weekend - attacks that reportedly killed at least 140 people and injured as many as 500 others - Amne

Phillippines: 100 days of 'carnage' under President Duterte condemned

3,500 killed since 30 June – 33 a day

Poland: Women 'have made history' in forcing abortion ban U-turn

Following the decisio

Iran: Writer faces 6 years for her unpublished fictional story about stoning

‘She is facing years behind bars simply for writing a story, and one which was not even published – she is effectively being punished for using her imagination’ - Philip L

Corporate crime: UK must hold companies to account for human rights abuses - new principles

“No company, however powerful, should be above the law, yet in the last 15 years no country has put a company on trial after an NGO brought evidence of human rights related crimes