Press Releases
Rapidly deteriorating human rights situation as Sunday’s poll approaches
Responding to news of more shipwrecks off the coast of Greece in the last 24 hours, in which 22 people are said to have drowned, including many ch
‘We won’t really believe that Shaker Aamer is actually being returned to the UK until his plane touches down on British soil’ - Kate Allen
“The state has no business regulating how many children people have.” - William Nee
An estimated 50,000 or more people have been forcibly evicted from their homes as part of a push to ‘beautify’ the capital of Turkmenistan ahead of the 2017 Asian Indoor and Martial Art
New evidence gathered by Amnesty International suggests that Australia’s maritime border control operations now resemble a lawless venture with evidence of criminal activity, pay-offs to boat
‘This appalling incident underlines our concern that the UK is a party to terrible war crimes in Yemen’ - Lucy Wake
Two opposition politicians in Bangladesh, face being hanged for crimes committed during the 1971 Independence War despite the fact that their trials were seriously flawed Amnesty International said
‘A year ago, it would have been hard to imagine how Mexico’s torture crisis could have gotten any worse’ - Erika Guevara-Rosas
‘Mr Ellwood is far too relaxed about the horrible civilian death toll in Yemen’ - Kate Allen