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Amnesty International briefing on Economic Activity of Public Bodies Bill, Commons Second Reading 3 July 2023

Amnesty International is opposed to the Bill, which would make it almost impossible for public bodies to use their procurement and investment policies to incentivise ethical business conduct that is human rights compliant.

Among several wrongs with this Bill, it uniquely privileges one State, Israel, at a time when that State's authorities continue to flagrantly breach international law including by a system of apartheid on Palestinians. It also conflicts with long-standing UK policy to differentiate between Israel's internationally recognised borders and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (which the UK does not recognise to be part of Israel); and is contrary to the UK's endorsement of UN Resolution 2334 requiring all States to differentiate between Israel's recognised borders and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Amnesty is accordingly opposed to this Bill and calls upon Parliament to reject it.

Amnesty International briefing on Economic Activity of Public Bodies Bill, Commons Second Reading 3 July 2023