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Amnesty International UK Briefing - ‘LGBT Content in Relationship Education’

‘LGBT Content in Relationship Education’ – Westminster Hall Debate - March 2024

LGBT inclusive sex and relationship education plays a vital role in the health and well-being of young people. Despite 30 years of evidence of the benefits of sex education, it is increasingly attacked by anti-rights actors on the basis that it advances ‘gender ideology’ and the sexualisation of children. One of the main arguments used against inclusive sex education is the right of parents to decide what their  children learn at school. This briefing explores how the concepts of ‘parental rights’ and ‘gender ideology’ are used to limit the rights of children and the LGBT community. 

Gains made to win the rights of women and LGBT people are increasingly under attack. We are witnessing a mainstreaming of extreme views, an increase in funding and concerted attempts to roll back protections. ‘Gender ideology’ is increasingly used to justify new policies, such as the school guidance for Gender Questioning Children or to change existing ones as in the case of inclusive sex and relationship education. As outlined in this briefing, being knowledgeable about the narratives and tactics of anti-rights actors, their global nature and funders is critical to be able to anticipate and resist such an attack.

Amnesty International UK Briefing - LGBT Content in Relationships Education Westminster Hall Debate - March2024.pdf