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Amnesty International UK - Updated Iran Briefing 2022

Tragically, children represent 16% of overall deaths of protesters and bystanders recorded by Amnesty International during the recent protests in Iran. As of 03 October, the organisation is reporting that at least 144 protestors have been killed, including 23 children. The death toll has been continuing to climb. 

Amnesty International is calling on the UK government to; 

Help end the crisis of systemic impunity in Iran by: 

  • Leading calls for the UN Human Rights Council to urgently establish an international investigative and accountability mechanism to collect, consolidate, preserve, and analyse evidence of the most serious crimes under international law committed in Iran, including accountability for Mahsa (Zhina) Amini’s death in custody. 

Amnesty International UK Briefing - Iran - Updated October 2022.pdf