Amnesty UK, PRCBC, ILPA and the3million Lords briefing on British Nationality (Regularisation of Past Practice) Bill
This briefing is for Lords consideration of the British Nationality (Regularisation of Past Practice) Bill. It is produced together with the Project for the Registration of Children as British Citizens (PRCBC), the Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (ILPA) and the3million.
Amnesty International supports this Bill and its being fast tracked through the House of Lords. The Bill is to bring much needed certainty to many thousands of British people, whose citizenship has been put in doubt by a decision of the Home Office taken in the course of defending ongoing litigation. It is right, whatever may be the final outcome of that litigation, for the Home Office to seek Parliament's approval for this Bill to ensure that the people affected are relieved of any question over their citizenship. Nonetheless, the circumstances that have necessitated this Bill ought to raise wider questions about the treatment of British citizenship, and rights to it, on the part of successive Governments over many years and decades.