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Briefing: LGBT+ inclusive RSE is a human right

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) was made mandatory for all schools in England in 2017 with mass cross-party political support. Statutory RSHE guidance (2019) set out a broadly comprehensive curriculum for RSHE, with full integration of LGBTI+ inclusive content for the secondary phase and encouragement to primary schools to approach the curriculum inclusively.

 The 2019 guidance was informed and supported by evidence across the health, education, safeguarding sectors and faith groups. The government announced a review of RSHE guidance in 2023. The draft guidance published for public consultation (May-July 2024) seeks to impose age restrictions, ban the teaching of gender identity and move backwards on LGBT+ inclusive curricula. This would be detrimental to all children and young people, increasing the risk of violence and discrimination, poor mental and sexual health.

 The UK has long presented itself as ‘a champion for the human rights of LGBT+ people around the world. We support and advocate for the right for all people, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity, to live with dignity, free from prejudice, violence, or discrimination.’ This commitment must be matched at home and reflected in an inclusive RSHE curriculum and whole school approach.

LGBT inclusive RSE is a human right.pdf