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General Election Guidance for Local Groups

While the last few months have been filled with speculation and uncertainty, we now know that there will be a general election in the UK on Thursday 12 December 2019.

Amnesty International will be working hard to ensure the next UK Government and Westminster Parliament are supportive and active in protecting human rights both in the UK and internationally.

However, this election may be dominated by discussions about the UK leaving the European Union, or an independence in Scotland, and it could be a challenge to get other issues on the political agenda. That’s why now, more than ever, it’s important we come together as a movement to make sure human rights are a firm priority for our politicians.

How can you help?

We’ve produced guidance which covers everything you’ll need to campaign over this election. This includes:

  • Key dates for your diary
  • How to effectively engage with your Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (a person running for election to Parliament) and feedback to the Advocacy office
  • Information on our political neutrality and duties under the Lobbying Act

We've also produced a Q&A document, covering everything you should need over this election period. 

We hope this provides all the information you need but should you require anything else, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tom Morrison at

General Election Q&A for Local Groups
General Election Briefing for Local Groups