Referendum called and state of emergency ended

On 15 November President Sebastián Piñera announced an agreement to hold a referendum in April 2020 on a new Constitution – addressing part of the main demands of the people protesting since 18 October. The President previously decreed the end of the state of emergency, effectively taking the army from the streets on 27 October.
However, protests continue to take place today, and the national police (Carabineros) are still repressing them with unnecessary and excessive use of force. The reports of torture, sexual torture, and ill treatments – including grave injuries as the loss of eyes due to rubber bullets or tear gas canisters shot at the protesters heads remain constant.
We are closely following the dire situation in the country and will set a new campaign on this human rights crisis. Amnesty International will continue to monitor the situation and will keep exposing human rights violations and demanding authorities take action to guarantee human rights violations stop and are duly investigated and sanctioned by Justice.
No further action is requested at this time. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.
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