Pecyn adnoddau Dysgu am y Gosb Eithaf (Learning about the Death Penalty resource pack)

Lluniwyd yr adnodd hwn i fod yn gytbwys a hwyluso dadl a thrafodaeth agored ymhlith myfyrwyr 14 oed a hŷn o blaid ac yn erbyn y gosb eithaf.
Mae’n cynnwys gweithgareddau a ffeithiau i archwilio’r gosb eithaf. Mae’n ystyried y dadleuon o blaid ac yn erbyn, ac yn gofyn sut mae dienyddio wedi dod yn fater hawliau dynol. Gall myfyrwyr hefyd archwilio effaith byw ar res yr angau ac ystyried p’un a yw’n deg dedfrydu plant i farwolaeth.
Mae’r adnodd yn cynnwys sgript ar gyfer gwasanaeth a thrafodaeth. Mae hefyd yn defnyddio ffilmiau, astudiaethau achos a data i bobl ifanc ysgrifennu amdanynt.
Mae Amnest yn gwrthwynebu defnyddio’r gosb eithaf ym mhob achos ac ar gyfer pob trosedd, p’un a yw rhywun yn ddieuog neu’n euog.
This resource is designed to be balanced and facilitate open debate and discussion for and against the death penalty for students aged 14+.
It includes activities and facts to explore the death penalty. It looks at the arguments in favour and against, and asks how capital punishment has become a human rights issue. Students can also examine the impact of living on death row and consider whether it is fair to sentence children to death.
The resource includes an assembly script and debate. It also uses films, case studies and data for young people to write about.
Amnesty opposes the use of the death penalty in all cases and for all crimes, whether someone is innocent or guilty.
Also available in English.