Urgent Action: Environmental defender's home set on fire in Ecuador
Environmental defender Margoth Escobar could be at risk after her home was intentionally set on fire in Puyo, in the Ecuadorian Amazon, on 29 September. This is the fourth attack this year against members of the Amazon Women collective who defend the land, the territory and the environment in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Please write immediately in Spanish or your own language, to the Ecuadorian authorities:
◼ Urging them to implement effective and adequate protection measures to safeguard Margoth Escobar and her family’s personal integrity, in consultation with her and with her consent;
◼ Urging them to conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation into the fire of Margoth Escobar’s home, considering the possible motivations of the attack in relation to Margoth’s work as a human rights defender, and bringing all those found responsible to justice;
◼ Calling on them to publicly recognize the valuable and legitimate work of human rights defenders in Ecuador, including of those who defend the land, the territory and the environment.
Minister of Interior
María Paula Romo Rodríguez
Ministerio del Interior
Benalcázar N4-24 y Espejo,
170401, Quito, Ecuador.
Twitter: @MinInteriorEc
Salutation: Minister/ Señora Ministra
Attorney General
Paúl Pérez Reina
Fiscalía General del Estado
Av. Patria y 12 de octubre, Edificio Patria,
170143, Quito, Ecuador.
Twitter: @FiscaliaEcuador
Salutation: Attorney General/Señor Fiscal General
People’s Defender (Ombudsman)
Gina Benavides
Defensoría del Pueblo
Av. de La Prensa N 54-97 y Jorge Piedra,
170104, Quito, Ecuador.
Email: gbenavides@dpe.gob.ec
Twitter: @DefensoriaEc
Salutation: People’s Defender/Señora Defensora del Pueblo
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. HIS EXCELLENCY MR CARLOS ABAD ORTIZ, Embassy of Ecuador, Flat 3b 3 Hans Crescent SW1X 0LS, 020 7584 1367, Fax 020 7590 2509, email: eecugranbretania@mmrree.gob.ec
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date.