Urgent Action: Environmental rights defender killed
Samir Flores Soberanes, environmental, land and territory human rights defender, was shot dead on 20 February, after receiving several death threats for his work defending the territory of his community. Samir was a member of a grassroots collective for environmental and territorial protection called Front of Peoples in Defense of the Earth and Agua, in the states of Morelos, Puebla and Tlaxcala (southeast Mexico). He was also vocal against the geothermic project called “Proyecto Integral Morelos”. He received written death threats and was beaten by an unknown group in October 2018.
Take action.
Please write urgently in your own words or using the template letter included in English or Spanish to:
Governor of Morelos
Cuauhtémoc Blanco
Calle de la Luz, 88
Colonia Chapultepec
CP: 62450, Mexico
322 16 21 Ext. 105
Salutation: Dear Governor
And copies to:
Attorney General of the State of Morelos
Av. Emiliano Zapata No. 803,
Col. Buena Vista, Cuernavaca. C.P. 62130
Phone number: (777) 364 55 55 EXT. 1285, 329 15 77 EXT. 1260
E-mail: urielcarmona@moreloslegal.com
Salutation: Dear Attorney General
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country.
HIS EXCELLENCY MR JULIÁN VENTURA, Head of Mission Embassy of Mexico, 16 St. George Street, London, W1S 1FD Phone: 020 7499 8586 Email:mexuk@sre.gob.mx Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Embamex-Reino-Unido/197866996938638 twitter: @Embamexru Salutation: Your Excellency
Please check with your section before sending appeals after the above date.