Urgent Action: Protect rights of juvenile prisoners
Emil Astrauko and Vasily Sauchanka are held in a juvenile prison in Belarus in conditions which violate their human rights and are subjected to harassment and discrimination by the prison authorities. Following flawed trials in 2018, they were sentenced to 10 years in prison each for minor drug offences. They were 17 years old at the time of their arrest. Their case is emblematic of thousands of teenagers imprisoned in appalling conditions following unfair trials for minor drug-related offences.
Take action.
Please write urgently in your own words or using the template letter included in English, Russian or Belarusian to:
Head of Corrective Colony
Syarhei Maslyukou
Corrective Colony No.2, vul. Batava 4
Babruisk 213807
Email: vk2_mogilev@mia.by
Salutation: Dear Head of Colony
And copies to:
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus
Uladzimir Makei
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus
vul. Lenina 19
Minsk 220030
Email: mail@mfa.gov.by
Salutation: Dear Minister
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country.
HIS EXCELLENCY MR SERGEI ALEINIK Embassy of the Republic of Belarus
6 Kensington Court W8 5DL, 020 7937 3288, Fax 020 7361 0005, uk.london@mfa.gov.by
Please check with your section before sending appeals after the above date.